Saving Christianity
Only God can save Christianity, but Jesus has given us the Counselor who has revealed New Science to help us better understand His message and intentions.
Christianity is a mess. Everyone knows it, but few want to talk about it. There are about 41,000 different Christian denominations. That says it all. Most of us have different belief systems, and what are those belief systems based upon? They are based on a montage of teachings from pastors, authors, parents, relatives and friends and how they have interpreted the Bible - certainly not on the science of God's creation. Logically, there should only be one belief system, reflecting entirely on what Jesus said and did.
There is another factor behind the cause of the mess, which is the thousands of years since Jesus walked among us. Given that amount of time, many leaders of the Christian church have changed Christianity so much that it would not be recognized by the apostles who walked and talked with Jesus. Also, we cannot ignore that science has advanced exponentially since Genesis was written and since Jesus said some of the things which have been difficult to fully understand. Perhaps now we can. (an excerpt from the booklet, "Saving Christianity")
Examples of the confusion:
1) Jesus had to become human while remaining God, to save humankind (which He created) from annihilation. Some Christians don't believe Jesus was actually human but only God appearing as a human. Many believe Jesus, as a baby, knew He was God from the beginning of His human life (ignoring Philippians 2:7 and Luke 2:52).
2) Jesus was born of a godly woman, Mary. Jesus certainly looks upon Mary as his mother, but Catholics call her the Co-Redemptrix while Protestants often ignore Jesus' mother altogether.
3) Jesus, as instructed by the Father, created a means to be with each individual human at certain times, as the Holy Spirit is at all times. The Eucharist is kept in a tabernacle and venerated by Catholics (certainly not what Jesus had in mind), while most protestants consider the bread of communion just a symbol.
4) The Bible says, "May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ," but the Catholic catechism says "Man, though made of body and soul, is a unity." No mention of the spirit. Other Christians believe humans are triune beings, body, spirit and soul, but they have no clear definition for the spirit or the soul (in other words, they don't understand either).
5) And what happens when humans die? You would think all Christians could agree on that. When one pastor was asked that question, he answered, "Well, your soul goes to heaven and you pass away," and we all have often heard, "May the souls of the departed rest in peace." That's meaningless Christian jargon.
6) Some churches only allow men to serve on their Church Councils, citing 1 Timothy 3:2 and Titus 1:6. Those verses applied to the culture of the times, certainly not to today's. Other churches welcome women in all management positions within their churches (smart) including women as pastors.
7) Some Christians believe that miracles ceased with the passage of the apostles, ignoring (or dancing around) Christ's words in John 14:12-14. Missionaries, especially those serving in African nations will tell you that miracles are a common occurrence among new Christians.
8) Some believe the earth is less than 10,000-years old while others agree with scientists who say the Cosmos is billions of years old.
New Science
Scientists are finally discovering what Christians have known all along. There is a spiritual realm. Why and how is this happening? Scientists are experiencing death, due to one cause or another, and are being resuscitated with procedures not possible 10 years ago. While they were medically dead, many have had spiritual experiences which changed their lives. After the experience, they believe in life-after-death and they say so.
What is it they experience? They leave their physical body, sometimes on the operating table; they find themselves fully conscious; they can see and hear what is going on in the operating room (and can describe it accurately later); they pass through the walls of the room and may see relatives in the hallway waiting to hear from the doctor; they travel rapidly to where they may be greeted by the Lord Jesus or others in the spiritual realm; and they return to their physical bodies through resuscitation. Afterwards, they all seem to be anxious to tell others what they have experienced.
The New Science You have a physical body, in the Temporal State, and you have a spiritual body (which the scientists found out during their experiences) in the Sequential State. Your spiritual body, which is eternal, occupies the same space and moves with your physical body. Animating both your physical body and your spiritual body is your soul, also in the Sequential State. Your soul stores all your memory, controls all your cells, and participates in your consciousness. You are at once a physical body and a spiritual body with a soul. That's who you are.
How are the experiences these scientists had possible? We now know there are three states of existence: 1) the Temporal State, in which you and I are limited by time and by the sequence of events, 2) the Sequential State (the spiritual realm which the scientists mentioned above have experienced) limited only by sequence, not by time, and 3) the Concurrent State in which God is not limited by time nor sequence. God has no limitations.
What does it matter?
Well, for one, you now know you won't actually die. Others may look upon your physical body as having died, but you will be fully conscious, feel well, calm, young (your spiritual body does not age past maturity) and you will have the wonderful opportunity of meeting the Lord Jesus. Does that part concern you? Jesus died in atonement for your sins ("Redemption"). Your sins will not keep you from eternal life in God's kingdom. They will not keep you from seeing your loved ones again. What will?
Jesus wants your love in return for His amazing love for You. You cannot love someone who you do not believe exists. You cannot love someone who you do not know and trust. You must know, love and trust Jesus with your eternal life. You must believe in Jesus. Okay, what else?
Jesus gave us a new commandment while He was here on earth. Love one another. "As I have loved you, so you also should love one another." John 13:34 Love those around you as you love yourself. Share what you have with others. Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, take in the stranger, cloth the naked, take care of the sick and visit the imprisoned as each opportunity presents itself. Matthew 25:31-46 Then, look forward to an eternal life in His kingdom ("Salvation"). It's all about love, as many of the scientists mentioned above will tell you.
Let's Start Over
No, let's not. Let's just correct our belief system. We'll start by setting aside the montage of teachings we've learned from theologians, pastors, authors, parents, relatives and friends and how they have interpreted the Bible. We'll start from the beginning.
There is a Creator. If you don't believe that, then you must have solved 1) the problem of how the Cosmic Singularity came into existence from nothing, and 2) how a lucky protein in a primordial soup over time developed into my beautiful, creative, daughter, Laura.

Now if you don't believe in a Creator, I'm not here to convert you, although that would be wonderful. Read on. We'll call the Creator, "God," for the time being.
There are three distinct Persons in God; the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. We know this because Jesus said so. "But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you." John 14:26 "Do you say of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world: 'Thou blasphemist,' because I said, I am the Son of God?" John 10:36.
Back to Creation. "In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 "All things were made by him: and without him was made nothing that was made." John 1:3. Jesus is the Creator, that same Jesus you know and love. Not a Christophany, the real Jesus. How is that possible? Jesus, who is God, is not limited by time nor sequence. He made that clear when "Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say to you, before Abraham was made, I am." John 8:58 He created the cosmos and everything in it. Jesus said, "Let there be light"; and there was light." The universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang, beginning with an infinitesimally small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense Cosmic Singularity , which had to explode the instant it was created. Every galaxy, black hole, star, planet, moon, comet and asteroid that came into being was therewith created by Jesus about 15 billion years ago, all from the Cosmic Singularity which Jesus created from nothing.

Next (if that is an appropriate term for the actions of God), Jesus created a Botanical Singularity with every form of meristematic cell capable of growing into every plant type on the earth. "And He said: Let the earth bring forth the green herb, and such as may seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, which may have seed in itself, upon the earth. And it was so done." Genesis 1:11 With this Jesus also personally designed and created every living plant and tree (down to every leaf), flower, fruit, and vegetable, all from the Botanical Singularity which Jesus created from nothing.

It was then that Jesus created the Biological Singularity containing the stem cells, both corporeal and incorporeal, of every creature having life, from the simplest life form to the most complex, each with a controlling, atemporal component ("Particle") at its functional center. And with that, Jesus personally designed and created all living creatures, every individual species, all from the Biological Singularity which Jesus created from nothing.
Then came Jesus' final creative act, "And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth." Genesis 1:26 Adam began as a single, tripartite cell, corporeal and incorporeal, i.e., body and spirit, created from the most complex tripartite stem cell in the Biological Singularity, with a Particle, i.e., a soul, at the functional center of both cells. Using the carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, water and nutrients of His creation (the materials of the earth), Jesus caused Adam's growth process to be completed instantly, yet cell by cell. Jesus, both God and Man, then blew into Adam's nostrils filling his lungs for the first time, just like a newborn, with the actual breath of God, and Adam, the first human, became alive with a body, spirit and soul.

"And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27
All of this was done by the same Jesus the angel spoke about to a young, Jewish woman, thousands of years later. Luke 1:30-33 "And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God. Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever. And of his kingdom there shall be no end."

Jesus, the Son of God, the Creator of the Cosmos and the Creator of mankind, was born of the virgin Mary about 2,200 years ago. Jesus created humans knowing that many would deny His existence, and do as they pleased, ignoring His commandments without repentance. This would justly require humankind's annihilation. Think of it, the "created" denying and disobeying the divine "Creator." There can be no greater injustice ("Injustice"). Only the Creator, Jesus, could fully resolve the Injustice which would occur. Since humans would cause the Injustice, a human would also have to atone. Therefore, Jesus knew that only a God/human could resolve and atone for the Injustice that would occur. He would have to become fully human while remaining fully God. He would have to atone for the Injustice by dying a human death. Knowing this, Jesus created humans, nonetheless. What amazing love He had and has for humans!
Just as all humans, Jesus was born with a mind focused on the physical world around Him. He was born with a human soul, which came from Mary, and therefore His recall was limited to the memories He experienced as a human. He could not know He was the Son of God until Mary told Him and, at his baptism, the Father confirmed it. He died as a human and as God resolved the Infinite Injustice saving humankind from annihilation ("Redemption"). On the third day Jesus' Spirit returned to His body and He became alive once again. The Resurrection is what separates Christianity from all other false religions.
I tell pastors, "You talk too much about God." They don't know how to respond. After all, it was Jesus who created the cosmos and everything in it including mankind. It was Jesus who told us and showed us how to live. It was Jesus who saved mankind from annihilation. It was Jesus who has prepared a place for us in heaven. It is Jesus who will greet us when we leave our physical bodies, and it will be Jesus who creates for us a new heaven (cosmos) and a new earth where we will once again have physical bodies.
I also tell pastors, "I don't have time to pray anymore. I'm too busy talking to the Holy Spirit." Jesus said, "But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you." John 14:26 "Paraclete" means, counselor, helper, advocate, and comforter. The Holy Spirit is always with us and will help us with the simplest and most complex things. At least two of my 30 U.S. and foreign patents should carry the Holy Spirit's name, not mine.
My wife had an abusive father, so she talks to the Father when she feels the need. She calls him PaPa. She has a wonderful relationship with him.
What I am suggesting is that you personalize your relationship with God. Don't pray to "God." Talk to Jesus, the Holy Spirit or the Father. They will answer you in their own way.
One last reminder. It is NOT your SOUL that will go to meet the Lord when the time comes. You, personally, will be meeting the Lord, and yes, with your soul, so it is eternally important for you to have a personal relationship with Jesus or the Father or the Holy Spirit. They are all one awesome God.
Related Booklets
I have published some booklets on these very subjects which you may want to read. Each one is for a different audience. They are all available on Barnesandnoble.com (as well as Amazon.com). Clicking on each booklet's image will take you to the correct page at Barnesandnoble.com.

YOU is all about you, your body, your spirit and your soul, and about your earthly and eternal life. It explains how the New Science applies to you and your life, and it provides evidence for the New Science you will find facinating. Finally, it tells how the New Science applies to your communications with God.
Saving Christianity
Saving Christianity is published in two parts. Part 1 suggests a means to pull together the many Christian denominations presently at odds over doctrine, and it is focused on the most controversial concept created by Jesus to be with His children always. Part 2 explains the New Science in scientific terms for those with that kind of mind.

New Science, New Faith, Same Gospel
This book introduced and discusses the New Science. It tells how the New Science has strengthened my faith and shows how the New Science is in line with the Gospel of Jesus.
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