From Strasburg, Pennsylvania, Daniel has completed several courses in Graphic Communications and Art and is trained in the use of SolidWorks. He has won a national contest for his graphics design work.
Matthew is a seasoned Computer and Electrical Engineer with over 29 years of product development experience and product licensing. He served as an Officer in the United States Army Reserve and attended the Pennsylvania State University for a BS in Computer Engineering.
A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John studied at Marquette University School of Engineering and at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater where he majored in Physics (Beiswenger - Medical Product Research). He has had a 50-year career in product research.
With a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management Information Systems/Corporate Communications from Drexel University, Kimberly has strong background in Project Management, Procurement and Planning, plus the unique ability to build interdependent partnerships.